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Study and round trips

Experience culture all around on the following tours:

Klassisches Griechenland mit Meteoraklöstern

Classical Greece with Meteora Monasteries

(Meteora - Delphi - Athens - Ancient Corinth - Mycenae - Epidauraus - Mistras - Olympia)
Greece between heaven and earth.


(Athens - Ancient Corinth - Mycenae - Epidaurus - Mistras - Olympia)
A combination of Greek myth and scenic impressions.

Northern Greece

(Thessaloniki - Veria - Vergina - Meteora - Kastoria - Prespes - Chalkidiki - Island of Thassos - Samothrace)
A beautiful mountain scenery combined with untouched nature and extraordinary architecture.
Festland und Kreta

Mainland and Crete

(Athens - Crete - Peloponnese)
Ancient sites and a rich flora on the largest island of Greece.
Festland und Korfu

Mainland and Corfu

(Olympia - Mistras - Mycenae - Epidaurus - Ancient Corinth - Athens - Meteora - Corfu).
A mountainous country with a maritime character.


(Rhodes Town - Kalithea - Lindos - Monolithos - Kastellos - Kamiros)
Wonderfully long beaches and an azure sea combined with traces of the ancient world. This is what it is known for - the Rose Island.